Family Support and Parenting

This site gives support on parenting, professional support for your family, emotional health and wellbeing, housing and financial support, relationships and sexuality, Early Help Family Support, GET SAFE, groups and activities, school holiday activities and food programming, reducing parental conflict, SEND support and guidance, young carers, autism information and advice and family learning

  • Wands Family Hub Farmers Way, Droitwich WR9 9EQ. Tel: 01905 827391 – for advice, guidance and support
  • Wychavon Early Help Family Support Team contact number: 01905 844229 Team email address:
  • Worcester Early Help Family Support Team contact number: 01905 843339 Team email address:
  • Early Help Family Support Service: The Early Help Family Support Service is delivered by Worcestershire Children First directly to families permanently living in Worcestershire who have children aged 0-18 years old and need help and support specifically from a Family Support Worker. For more information, please visit: Worcestershire Children First Early Help Family Support Service | Worcestershire County Council:
  • Ready Steady Worcestershire – Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme HAF is a Department for Education (DfE) funded programme aimed at enabling children and young people in receipt of benefits-related free school meals (FSM) to attend school holiday activities and experiences during Easter, summer and Christmas.

Worcestershire Young Carers

Worcestershire Young Carers aim to identify, and support children and young people aged 7 to 24 years who have a caring role within the home and help look after a parent, sibling, or grandparent due to illness, disability, physical or mental health difficulties or substance misuse.

Finance, Housing and Employment

The Droitwich Council for Voluntary Services (CVS) has produced a leaflet with information to help navigate increased cost of living.

If you are facing challenges around employment and income, you can contact the local job centre who can with offer support with jobseekers’ allowance, incapacity benefit, employment and support allowance and income support:


The Starting Well Partnership offer a range of parenting support, information, groups, and courses. For information on the groups available please visit:

Harmony at Home

Harmony at Home is Worcestershire’s approach to the Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) initiative in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and organisations from our multi-agency Reference group.

Social Activities

The Droitwich Council for Voluntary Services (CVS) has produced a leaflet with information on the social activities taking place in Droitwich for people of all ages.

The Starting Well Partnership

The Starting Well Partnership support families, parents, children and young people across Worcestershire to lead happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.  Within this link you will find support for bullying, mental health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol misuse, relationships and sexual health, sexuality and identity, homelessness and links to ChatHealth. Furthermore, for parents and carers, there is support for parenting, parental wellbeing, parental workshops, access to telephone advisory lines, financial and childcare, helpful courses, children who are being bullied, Parent Talk, reducing parental conflict, families affected by parental imprisonment amongst other useful links.