The SEND Team offer provision to students outside of the normal curriculum. We run Homework and Break & Lunchtime clubs among other things to support the social and academic needs of those who attend.

Homework Club
The SEN Department supports all students in particular those who require additional help due to their individual needs. Homework club is held 3.30 pm – 4.00 pm Monday to Thursday in the Bungalow.
At homework club, we encourage students to take pride in their work, and to organize themselves by learning how to prioritise homework, to ensure that it is handed in on time.
We can support students in a variety of ways including help with homework, learning spellings, revision for tests or exams, improving Maths and English skills.

Student Clubs
SEND provide Before School, Break and Lunchtime Clubs on a daily basis for our more vulnerable students.
In the morning free toast is provided and during all of the clubs the students have access to the computer facilities and games which encourage interaction and social skills with students and the Learning Support Assistants. The Clubs are an extremely friendly, caring and positive environment.

Nurture Group at The Centre
The aim of this intervention is to be proactive in supporting a small group of students who may find the initial period of transition a little overwhelming. It also provides support for students from other year groups.
It runs daily from 8.00 am at The Centre
The students who attend are welcoming and supportive – reassuring new students into the school.
It provides a secure environment in which students have the opportunity to make new friends – discuss any worries or concerns, meaning that we can be proactive in supporting them to resolve these. Students can access computers enabling them to ensure that they are up to date with work.
We also provide toast, which is welcomed by most students attending.

The Centre Break and Lunch Time Clubs
The Centre offers a space where students can enjoy activities with peers that they might not have access to at home. This includes fitness and leisure equipment as well as some computer games. There are also some nature facilities too.
The happy, supportive and caring atmosphere in The Centre encourages students to do their best in their lessons.