The SEND Team supports student in class, in small groups or on a 1:1 basis depending on the individual needs. We also provide support for extracurricular activities too.

Interventions in the SEND Department
To ensure that all students, both with identifiable needs and those who simply require some additional support to enable them to thrive both academically and pastorally: We offer intervention sessions, this may include literacy, spelling programs, Interventions organisational skills, subject specific vocabulary these can be delivered on a 1:1 basis or in small group.
These sessions are normally on a rolling timetable to ensure that the student will not miss out on class teaching. These sessions can be accommodated before school (8.15 – 8.40) if that is more suitable for students’ individual needs.

Small group
In our small group lessons which are led by the LSA, we reinforce and reteach specific skills in a reduced sized class.This group teaching supports students in their learning and helps them grow in confidence which in return gives them the extra confidence in their teacher led class lessons to perform at their best ability.
This small group teaching is especially effective for the students taking their GCSEs as it gives the students extra time to focus on their options and get extra support in preparation for their exams.
Students work in a small group setting on curriculum based tasks.

The team of Learning Support Assistants (LSA) regularly provide one-to-one mentoring sessions for SEND students and also other students for whom the sessions will benefit.
During these sessions, an LSA can work with a student on a range of areas including social skills, confidence building and study skills. These sessions can be tailored to meet an individual student’s learning requirements.
The sessions are a place where students can be themselves, which can be especially important for students with additional needs. The trusting relationship that is built between our LSAs and our students means that students are able to talk openly about anything that they are going through or anything that they are struggling with at school. These sessions are invaluable to many of our students.

Specialist services
We work with specialists from different services (teachers of the deaf, visual impairment specialists, speech and language therapists, educational psychologists and autism specialists) in order to ensure that our students – both those with Educational Health Care Plans and those in need of additional help – get the support they need.