School is much more than preparing for exams.
It is, amongst other things, about character development and character building.
The purpose of the House System is to do exactly that. It gives students a sense of belonging and community and also the opportunity to show off their talents, be successful and have the opportunity to be leaders and role models to younger students.
The House Cup is won by the House with the most House Points at the end of the academic year.
Students earn points for their house by:
- Participating in competitions (everything from the weekly quiz to chess to rugby to drama to paper plane flying and all the things in between)
- Contributing to the tutor group with good attendance
- Contributing to the year group with Epraise points
- Earning commendation points for exceptional work or acts of kindness
- Making sure their parents attend Parents’ Evening
- etc.
The winners of the House Cup get to spend the afternoon at the ‘DSHS Festival’ where there will be street food, games, DJ tent etc. whilst everyone else is working in school.
Each tutor group belongs to a house and each House has a senior member of staff who is a Head of House. Heads of House are responsible for the behaviour, discipline, ethos and achievement of the students in their house.
Each tutor group has a captain, who represents his/her House at House Council. Each house also has a team of four House Captains (from Years 10-13) whose job it is to encourage participation and celebrate achievement within their House.
There are five Houses. Three are named after local people plus one national and one international figurehead.